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About Us

The construction of collabHQ began approximately two years ago. Renovations took around 20 months to complete as current tenants, RenoMasters, completed this between their ongoing projects. The finished result is a modern, sleek and spacious, two-story commercial office building for individuals and businesses in the housing market.

​With a history of successful businesses, collabHQ was founded by Andrew and Andrea Elliott as a one-stop shop for property/housing professionals and their clients. CollabHQ was designed to harness the known value of creating business opportunities through corporate networking and collaboration.

Staged Office Space
collabhq meeting room.JPG
Reception Area
The Bridge

CollabHQ currently have two offices

available for long-term lease

 We are actively seeking tenants within the property market to join Click Property Management and RenoMasters as collabHQ tenants. We are looking for business professionals who would like to embrace the opportunities and positive environment within a collaborative commercial hub, niche to the property/housing industry.

collabHQ Official Opening Video

In June 2022, Christopher Luxon officially opened collabHQ . It was a great opportunity for business professionals and colleagues to come together, and many attended in support and celebration of collabHQ's opening.

Are you an interior designer, architect, building contractor, property lawyer, accountant, real estate agent, or similar?

Enquire below and lease a collabHQ office today!

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